Composable, Controllable and Chatty Phoenix Live-Components
Writing live components in Elixir’s Phoenix Framework is a breeze. It allows us to hide internal state and mechanics with ease. However, when it comes to writing helpful abstractions for components that encapsulate functionality like parameter handling and still compose, it can get messy. In this blog post, I will demonstrate how to implement a controllable and chatty tabs component that can be effortlessly composed with other components.
To understand this blog post, the reader requires basic knowledge in Elixir, the Phoenix Framework, as well as live components. The code that is shown in the blog post is accessible in a GitHub repo, and the story in this post is mirrored in the repo’s history. Each intermediate step is fully functional. Watch out for these banners:
Open the project on GitHub.
In this blogpost we’ll implement a tabs component. A tabs component is a component that offers a navigation menu or bar with links. When a link is clicked the content area of the component shows the relevant information.
The tabs component in this blog post has some non-trivial requirements: The component…
- should be composable with other components
- encapsulates uri-parameter handling to persist the active tab in the uri
- can be chatty, that is, it can inform the parent live view about state changes
- is controllable from the parent live view
Lets get basic at first
For the blogpost, I set up a fresh Phoenix project called DemoWeb
and created a live view called LiveDemo
. This live view is served
via /tabs
. In the render function of this live view I added dummy
code, to demonstrate how the component should be used later.
defmodule DemoWeb.LiveDemo do
use DemoWeb, :live_view
alias DemoWeb.Components.Tabs
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, socket}
def render(assigns) do
<.live_component module={Tabs} id="tabs">
<:tab label="Name" id={:name_tab}>Simon</:tab>
<:tab label="Address" id={:address_tab}>742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield</:tab>
I want the call of the tabs component to be as simple as possible. The component can have tab slots, which consist of a label and an ID attribute. The label will be used as the text for the tab link, while the ID serves as an internal identifier for later use. The content is enclosed within the inner block of the tabs.
The tabs component itself is implemented in the DemoWeb.Components.Tabs module. I prefer to make the data structure explicit whenever feasible and strictly use structs instead of maps. The state of the tabs component is represented as follows:
defmodule State do
defstruct [:active_id, :tabs]
alias __MODULE__
def active_slot(%State{tabs: tabs, active_id: active_id}) do
%Tab{slot: slot} = Enum.find(tabs, fn tab -> == active_id end)
def active?(%State{active_id: active_id}, tab) do
active_id ==
The field active_id
stores the ID of the currently active tab, while
tabs is the list of slots, represented by another struct:
defmodule Tab do
defstruct [:id, :label, :slot]
The function active_slot
returns the slot for the active tab, given
a state, while active?
indicates whether a given tab ID is currently
The rendering of the component is kept simple:
def render(assigns) do
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-5">
<div class="flex flex-row space-x-3">
<%= for tab <- @state.tabs do %>
"rounded-full p-3 pl-5 pr-5",
if, tab) do
["bg-white text-black"]
["bg-black text-white"]
<%= tab.label %>
<% end %>
<%= render_slot(@state |> State.active_slot()) %>
As we can observe, clicking on a tab link triggers a change_tab
event, sending the tab’s ID to the live component. An event handle function is then responsible for updating the active tab:
def handle_event("change_tab", %{"id" => raw_id}, socket) do
id = String.to_existing_atom(raw_id)
current_state = socket.assigns.state
next_state = %State{current_state | active_id: id}
{:noreply, socket |> assign(:state, next_state)}
The attentive reader may have noticed that we skipped an important
part: how do we translate the slots and their attributes into the
defined structs? To accomplish this, we utilize the update method of
the live component. The update
function is invoked after mounting a
live component and whenever the assigns of the live component’s
instance change.
def update(assigns, socket) do
# check if the state was already initialized, c.f. GitHub
unless initialized?(socket) do
# call a helper method to translate into struct, c.f. GitHub
tabs = make_tabs(
# make the first tab the active tab
active = hd(tabs).id
state = %State{active_id: active, tabs: tabs}
{:ok, socket |> assign(:state, state)}
{:ok, socket}
Our implementation of update
takes assigns and the live component’s
socket object (not that of the live view!) as arguments. Within the
assigns, we can find a list of slots in tab. Using this information,
we can update the assigns in the socket object of the live component.
Open the code of this basic variant on GitHub
Sadly this simple component doesn’t fullfil any of the given requirements.
Passing State
It is evident that the basic version of the live component does not fulfill requirements 2-4. However, what about requirement 1 (Composability)? Is the component composable? For instance, can we place another tabs component within one of the tabs? Indeed, we can, and it will function as expected. However, what we cannot do is pass assigns from our parent live view and anticipate them to be updated in the tabs. Let’s examine this example:
defmodule DemoWeb.LiveDemo do
def render(assigns) do
<.live_component module={Tabs} id="tabs">
<:tab label="Tab 1" id={:tab_1}><%= @counter %></:tab>
<:tab label="Tab 2" id={:tab_2}>Tab 2</:tab>
<p phx-click="increment">Increment</p>
<p><%= @counter %></p>
# event handler that increases the counter
def handle_event("increment", _, socket) do
next_socket = socket |> update(:counter, fn counter -> counter + 1 end)
{:noreply, next_socket}
In this example a counter gets updated when clicking on
. Displaying the counter outside tabs component work
perfectly fine; it updates after click. Displaying the counter within
first slot of the tabs component however, doesn’t. It will stay at the
initial value.
Open code for the non-working example on GitHub
To fix that, we add a field maybe_inner_state
to the State
and write an assign called state into our live component’s state:
def update(assigns, socket) do
maybe_state = Map.get(assigns, :state)
unless initialized?(socket) do
state = %State{active_id: active, tabs: tabs, maybe_inner_state: maybe_state}
{:ok, socket |> assign(:state, state)}
state = socket.assigns.state
updated_state = %State{state | maybe_inner_state: maybe_state}
{:ok, socket |> assign(:state, updated_state)}
The render slot call must be extended to pass the state to the slot.
<%= render_slot(@state |> State.active_slot(), @state.maybe_inner_state) %>
Now that we have the state as a parameter we are handing to the slot, Phoenix can keep track of changes. To make the counter example work, we can now pass the assign like follows:
<.live_component module={Tabs} id="tabs" state={@counter}>
<:tab label="Tab 1" id={:tab_1} :let={counter}><%= counter %></:tab>
<:tab label="Tab 2" id={:tab_2}>Tab 2</:tab>
Open code for the working example on GitHub
Introducing URI Prameters
As mentioned in the requirements section, we want our tabs component to utilize URI parameters to persist the active tab in the URI. Unfortunately, live components do not have a handle_params
callback like live views do. How can we respond to URI changes without exposing implementation details in the live view’s handle_params
Fortunately, live components can implement hooks, and here’s a surprise: we can register a hook for handle_params
. This means we can define a function that is called after the live view’s handle_params
has been executed. The hook receives the same parameters as the original function: the parameters, the current URI, and the live view’s socket. However, since this is not the socket of our live component, we need to find a way to modify the live component’s state within the live view’s socket assigns and propagate the changes.
To achieve this, we create a function called init
, which is invoked in the mount
method of the parent live view. This function initializes the live component’s state, assigns it to :tabs
within the parent live view’s socket, and registers the hook:
def init(socket) do
|> assign(:tabs, %State{})
|> attach_hook(:tabs_hook, :handle_params, fn params, uri, socket ->
# TODO: implement
Next, we call the live component using the updated syntax:
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
{:ok, socket |> Tabs.init()}
def render(assigns) do
<.live_component module={Tabs} id="tabs" tabs={@tabs}>
<:tab label="Name" id={:name_tab}>Simon</:tab>
<:tab label="Address" id={:address_tab}>742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield</:tab>
Since state changes are now fed from the outside, we also need to adapt the update function:
def update(assigns, socket) do
maybe_inner_state = Map.get(assigns, :state)
tabs = make_tabs(
state = assigns.tabs
# use the active tab if already there or the first slot
active_id = assigns.tabs.active_id || hd(tabs).id
updated_state = %State{
| maybe_inner_state: maybe_inner_state,
tabs: tabs,
active_id: active_id
{:ok, socket |> assign(:state, updated_state)}
To make the entire setup work with URI parameters, we need to parse and assign them in the registered hook and, later, use URI parameters for redirection in the handle_event
function for the change_tab
event. Let’s examine the hook logic:
fn params, uri, socket ->
state = socket.assigns.tabs
parsed_uri = URI.parse(uri)
if Map.has_key?(params, "tabs") do
tabs = Map.get(params, "tabs") |> String.to_existing_atom()
next_state = %State{state | uri: parsed_uri, active_id: tabs}
{:cont, socket |> assign(:tabs, next_state)}
next_state = %State{state | uri: parsed_uri}
{:cont, socket |> assign(:tabs, next_state)}
This function is registered in the init
function. We check if there is a parameter with the key "tabs"
. If present, we set the active_id
field in the state to this value. Additionally, we introduce a new field called uri
in the state to store the current URI. This is necessary to avoid interfering with the existing URI when redirecting in the event handler triggered by clicking on a tab link:
def handle_event("change_tab", %{"id" => raw_id}, socket) do
uri = socket.assigns.state.uri
new_uri = put_param(uri, "tabs", raw_id)
{:noreply, socket |> push_patch(to: URI.to_string(new_uri))}
defp put_param(%URI{} = uri, key, value) do
current_params = URI.decode_query(uri.query || "")
new_params = Map.put(current_params, key, value)
((uri.path || "") <> "?" <> URI.encode_query(new_params)) |> URI.parse()
The handle_event
function handles the “change_tab” event by extracting the current URI from the state and creating a new URI with the updated “tabs” parameter. We then use push_patch
to navigate to the new URI.
The helper function put_param
takes the current URI and inserts a new key-value pair without affecting existing parameters. In our case, we assign the ID of the active tab with the key "tabs"
. We patch to the resulting URI.
One oddity to note is that we need to have a handle_params
function present in the parent live view for the hooks to work. We can simply add it and return the socket unaltered.
That’s it! We have implemented our tabs view to work with URI parameters. Or have we?
Open code for parameter example on GitHub
An evil twin
If we want to include multiple tabs components within a single live view, we will encounter issues. Since we hardcoded the key used to assign the live component’s state in the live view’s socket, we cannot have multiple independent components. If one component changes its active tab, the others will be affected as well. Let’s address this by passing a key to the init
function of the live component and storing it in an additional field in the state struct, called :id
def init(socket, opts \\ []) do
id = Keyword.get(opts, :id, :tabs)
id_str = Atom.to_string(id)
|> assign(id, %State{id: id})
|> attach_hook(:"#{id}_hook", :handle_params, fn params, uri, socket ->
It is important to consider the unique identifier (id
) whenever we access a live component’s state or work with URI parameters. This key serves as the identity of our component and allows us to handle multiple tabs components independently.
def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
next_socket = socket |> Tabs.init(id: :tabs_1) |> Tabs.init(id: :tabs_2)
{:ok, next_socket}
def render(assigns) do
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-10">
<.live_component module={Tabs} id="tabs_1" tabs={@tabs_1}>
<:tab label="Name" id={:name_tab}>Simon</:tab>
<:tab label="Address" id={:address_tab}>742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield</:tab>
<.live_component module={Tabs} id="tabs_2" tabs={@tabs_2}>
<:tab label="Name" id={:name_tab}>Homer</:tab>
<:tab label="Address" id={:address_tab}>742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield</:tab>
Open code for tabs with identity on GitHub
Talk to me
To fulfill requirement 4, we can make the live component send messages to the parent live view when the state changes. To achieve this, we add a field called :inform_parent?
to the state struct. This field can be optionally configured in the init
function of the live component.
def init(socket, opts \\ []) do
inform_parent? = Keyword.get(opts, :inform_parent?, false)
|> assign(id, %State{id: id})
|> assign(id, %State{id: id, inform_parent?: inform_parent?})
We then use this flag to determine whether we should send a message to the parent live view:
def handle_event("change_tab", %{"id" => raw_id}, socket) do
if state.inform_parent? do
send(self(), {:tab_changed,, raw_id |> String.to_existing_atom()})
{:noreply, socket |> push_patch(to: URI.to_string(new_uri))}
The parent live view can handle this message by implementing the following callback:
def handle_info({:tab_changed, tabs_id, active_tab}, socket) do
Open code for the inform-parent example on GitHub
Taking control
The last requirement we haven’t fulfilled is the controllability from the outside (requirement 4). Throughout this blog post, we have modified our live component in a way that it is entirely controlled by URI parameters. We can leverage this to control the component from the outside. To achieve that, we implement the following function:
def put_active(socket, tab, id \\ :tabs) do
state = Map.get(socket.assigns, id)
uri = put_param(state.uri, id |> Atom.to_string(), tab |> Atom.to_string())
push_patch(socket, to: URI.to_string(uri))
This function accepts the live view’s socket, the ID of the tab to be activated, and the ID of the tabs component. It then updates the URI with an additional parameter to control the tabs component. This function can be used in callbacks like handle_event
or handle_info
of the parent live view to change tabs from the outside and take control.
However, at this stage, the abstraction starts to leak. Although we hide the implementation details, it is still possible to override an existing patch in the socket. I haven’t found a more elegant solution yet to address this concern.
In this lengthy blog post, we have developed a controllable, composable, and optionally chatty tabs component that effectively abstracts away the underlying complexity for developers. The beauty of this implementation is that once it’s set up, we can effortlessly compose it with similar components. For example, if we have a pagination component designed in the same manner, we could easily create a tab view with pagination integrated:
<.live_component module={Tabs} id="tabs" tabs={@tabs} state={@something}>
<:tab label="Items 1" id={:items_tab} :let={state}>
<.live_component module={Pagination} id="pagination" tabs={@pagination} items={state}>
<:content :let={current_page_items}> ... </:content>
<:tab ... />
And the best part is that both the tabs component and the pagination component would seamlessly integrate and work with the features we have described throughout this blog post. Since, i have personally tested and verified this, I can assure you that it will work perfectly :)
The final code with specs and some documentation can be found on GitHub:
Open code with specs and doc on GitHub
However, it is important to note that we don’t have true composability in the sense that we can combine multiple live components and receive a new live component as a result. This limitation stems from the fact, that each component need the socket of the root live to register the hook. This requires a lot of manual work to plug components together. If I’ll come up with a better version, I’ll publish a follow up article.
Thanks for reading this blogpost until the end. Now give youself a break!
This article was proudly written without the help of any LLM.